

Ruian Anma filter Co., Ltd

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Research and development
We have an international network of R & D institutions. Moreover, through cooperation with universities, research institutions and partner companies, we can transform new business ideas into products at the fastest speed, so as to develop high-performance and high-quality filter products.


Technological innovation

Innovative products and business philosophy are the results of Anma's global R & D work. Our technical strength is concentrated in the fields of filtration, material technology and automation.



The importance of innovation

Innovation brings higher income and return. The new products and business concepts consolidate our comprehensive strength and help us to develop new markets.


We are determined to maintain the health and safety of customers, employees, and end users; we adhere to integrity, pragmatism, and convey trust and respect to customers and society.


Address: No. 1 Changxin Road, Xinfang Village, Tangxia Town, Ruian City, Zhejiang Province

E-mail: filter@anmacn.com  sales01@anmacn.com


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